Slayers (2022) is a thrilling horror-comedy film that takes audiences on an unforgettable ride. A team of popular influencers, seeking a unique experience, gather at the secluded mansion of a mysterious billionaire. However, their excitement quickly turns to terror when they realize they are trapped in the lair of a malevolent vampire. With no escape in sight, they must rely on the unlikely duo of a renowned online gamer and an experienced vampire hunter to rescue them.
As the tension escalates, the survivors find themselves in a heart-pounding battle against the bloodthirsty vampire and his minions. Packed with exciting action sequences, unexpected twists, and plenty of humor, Slayers keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film masterfully balances scares and laughs, offering a unique and thrilling experience for horror fans.
Directed by a talented filmmaker, Slayers is brought to life with stunning production design and visual effects, immersing viewers in the haunting atmosphere of the mansion. The ensemble cast, including a mix of up-and-coming stars and established actors, delivers captivating performances that will have audiences rooting for their survival.
Prepare to be entertained and terrified as you join the battle against an ancient evil in Slayers (2022). With its engaging storyline, strong performances, and a perfect blend of horror and humor, this film is a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Also Known As:
SlayersRelease Date:
21 Oct 2022Writers:
Zack Imbrogno, K. Asher Levin