In the action-packed film Sniper (1993), audiences are taken on a thrilling journey into the dangerous world of military snipers. The story follows a seasoned US Marine sniper who is assigned to carry out a top-secret mission in the jungles of Panama. With a rookie sniper by his side as his spotter, they must work together to eliminate a high-profile politician and a rebel leader.
As the mission unfolds, the veteran sniper must navigate through treacherous terrain, facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. The partnership between the two snipers is put to the test as they encounter unexpected dangers and betrayals that threaten the success of their mission.
Filled with intense action sequences and suspenseful moments, Sniper keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. As the hunters become the hunted, the snipers must rely on their training, skills, and instincts to survive in the deadly jungle environment.
With gripping performances and a gripping storyline, Sniper is a must-watch film for fans of military thrillers and action movies.
Also Known As:
SniperRelease Date:
29 Jan 1993Writers:
Michael Frost Beckner, Crash Leyland