Special Forces (2011) is an intense action thriller set in Afghanistan. The film follows French journalist Elsa and her colleague Amen as they cover the heartbreaking story of a woman named Maina, who was sold as a child. However, their mission takes a dangerous turn when they are kidnapped by Taliban leader Ahmed Zaief. In an attempt to force Western governments to comply with his demands, Zaief wants Elsa and Amen to read a message.
Upon learning about their abduction, the French president deploys a team of six highly skilled Special Forces soldiers to rescue Elsa. The team, led by Commander Kovax, consists of Tic-Tac, Lucas, Elias, Victor, and Marius. They manage to locate Elsa and Amen, freeing them from their imprisonment, but lose their radios in the process.
Now, the team must navigate the inhospitable land of Pakistan, evading the relentless pursuit of the Taliban. With their lives hanging in the balance, the Special Forces soldiers must use their training and resourcefulness to outsmart their enemies and bring Elsa and Amen to safety.
Special Forces (2011) is an adrenaline-fueled film that explores themes of bravery, sacrifice, and determination. It showcases the courage and resilience of the Special Forces soldiers as they risk everything to save innocent lives. Can they overcome the obstacles thrown their way and complete their mission? Find out in this gripping and action-packed thriller.
Also Known As:
Special ForcesRelease Date:
02 Nov 2011Writers:
Stéphane Rybojad (adaptation), Michael Cooper (adaptation), Emmanuelle Collomp (collaboration), Stéphane RybojadAwards:
1 nomination.