Christopher Neame
The story revolves around the planet Shada, on which the Time Lords have constructed a high security prison for some of the Universe's most dangerous criminals. Skagra, a flawed genius from...
Category: Sci-Fi
Stars: Tom Baker,Lalla Ward,Christopher Neame,Daniel Hill
Shatter and Jackson, 2 Chicago police officers, are investigating the brutal murder of a rabbi and are summoned to Israel for questioning. While they are in Israel they continue their investigation there on some leads they have. After a while they begin to understand that they are trying to catch a supernatural being, and if they don't do it fast something terrible will happen.
Category: Action, Fantasy
Stars: Chuck Norris,Calvin Levels,Christopher Neame,Sheree J. Wilson
In a post-apocalyptic world, a warrior wandering through the desert comes upon a group of settlers who are being menaced by a murderous gang that is after the water they control.
Category: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Stars: Patrick Swayze,Lisa Niemi,Anthony Zerbe,Christopher Neame,Brion James,John Fujioka,Brett Hool,Marcel van Heerden,Arnold Vosloo,James Whyle,Russel Savadier,Joseph Ribeiro,Alex Heyns,Brad Morris,Tullio Moneta