In Streets of Fire (1984), a thrilling action film set in a retro-futuristic city, a tough and skilled mercenary named Tom Cody is enlisted to save his former flame, Ellen Aim, a famous singer who has been brutally abducted by a ruthless biker gang known as The Bombers. Directed by Walter Hill, this cult classic combines elements of action, romance, and rock and roll.
As Tom embarks on his dangerous mission, he assembles a motley crew of allies, including Ellen's current lover and manager, Billy Fish, and a tough-as-nails mechanic named McCoy. Together, they face a series of high-octane challenges and battles against The Bombers, led by Raven Shaddock, a sociopathic gang leader determined to control the city.
Packed with adrenaline-fueled chase scenes, intense fight sequences, and powerful musical performances, Streets of Fire is an electrifying homage to 1950s rock and roll culture. The film's soundtrack, featuring original songs by Jim Steinman and performances by renowned musicians such as The Blasters and Diane Lane, enhances the atmosphere and adds depth to the story.
With its gritty urban landscapes, neon-lit streets, and a palpable sense of danger, Streets of Fire is a thrilling and visually striking journey into a world where loyalty, sacrifice, and redemption compel the characters to confront their deepest fears and darkest desires.
Join Tom Cody on his quest to save Ellen Aim and experience the heart-pounding action and unforgettable music in this beloved cult classic. Will love conquer all? Watch Streets of Fire to find out.
Also Known As:
Streets of FireRelease Date:
01 Jun 1984Writers:
Walter Hill, Larry GrossAwards:
2 wins & 1 nomination