Before Ever After is a 2017 animated film that continues the story of Rapunzel from Disney's Tangled. The movie follows Rapunzel as she grapples with the responsibilities of being a princess and the overprotective nature of her father. Although she loves Eugene, she is not ready to get married and settle down within the castle walls. Determined to live life on her own terms, Rapunzel, along with her tough Lady-in-Waiting Cassandra, embarks on a secret adventure.
During their journey, they come across mysterious rocks that have the power to make Rapunzel's long blonde hair grow back. The hair is impossible to break and difficult to hide, and Rapunzel must learn to embrace it and all that it represents. This leads to a series of unexpected challenges and a quest for self-discovery.
Before Ever After explores themes of independence, self-acceptance, and the pursuit of one's own path. Rapunzel must confront her fears and the expectations placed upon her, as she navigates the complexities of being both a princess and a free-spirited individual. The film combines adventure, magic, and heartwarming moments, making it an enjoyable watch for viewers of all ages.
Embark on this enchanting journey with Rapunzel as she learns to embrace her true self and find her place in the world.