In Tatami Time Machine Blues, a quirky and lighthearted Japanese film, the protagonist finds himself in a sweltering apartment on a scorching summer day. To his dismay, his friend Ozu accidentally drowns the only remote control for the air conditioning unit, leaving them in a desperate situation. As they discuss their predicament with Akashi, the protagonist's love interest, an unexpected visitor arrives - a sloppily-dressed student from the future who claims to have a time machine.
Seizing the opportunity, the protagonist decides to borrow the time machine and travel back in time to retrieve the remote control before it breaks. This sets the stage for an exciting and hilarious adventure as the protagonist jumps through various periods of time, navigating through different generations and eras in his quest to save their precious air conditioning.
Tatami Time Machine Blues combines elements of comedy, romance, and science fiction, promising an entertaining watch for viewers of all tastes. With its witty dialogue, charismatic characters, and an imaginative storyline, this film offers a unique and delightful take on time travel. Will the protagonist succeed in his mission and save the day? Join him on this wild journey through time to find out.
Also Known As:
Tatami Time Machine BluesRelease Date:
09 Nov 2022