Tell is a gripping crime thriller that follows the story of Ethan Tell, a small-time crook who successfully pulls off a daring heist and steals a whopping 1 million dollars. However, his life takes a perilous turn when he realizes that keeping the money safe is a far greater challenge than he anticipated.
As the pressure mounts, Ethan finds himself facing off against multiple adversaries who are determined to get their hands on the stolen cash. Amongst these threats are his partner in crime, his wife, his relentless parole officer, and two corrupt detectives with their own ulterior motives.
With each passing moment, the suspense escalates, as Ethan must navigate through a web of deceit, betrayal, and danger in order to protect what he has acquired. As the tension reaches its peak, watchers are kept on the edge of their seats, desperate to know whether Ethan will be able to outsmart his enemies and keep the money for himself.
Tell is a thrilling rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns, keeping audiences hooked until the very end. With stellar performances and a well-crafted plot, this gripping crime drama is a definite must-watch for fans of the genre.