In the futuristic thriller The Anomaly (2014), traumatized ex-soldier Ryan Reeve finds himself in a terrifying situation. He wakes up in the back of a moving van alongside a young kidnapped boy and realizes he must free them both. However, every time he tries to take action, he blackouts and experiences gaps in his memory. Ryan soon realizes he is being controlled and manipulated by a mysterious force.
As he struggles to uncover the truth, Ryan teams up with a woman named Dana, who shares his distrust of the situation. Together, they discover a dangerous conspiracy called Anomaly, led by Harkin Langham. It becomes clear that the bioweapon being developed is actually a mind-control device, giving its creator the ability to take over other people's bodies.
Throughout the film, Ryan must navigate these mind control episodes, with each burst lasting no longer than ten minutes. His fight against the Anomaly conspiracy intensifies as he unravels the truth behind his own past and the purpose of the devastating bioweapon. The stakes escalate as Ryan races against time to save not only himself but also the innocent boy trapped in the van.
The Anomaly is a high-octane sci-fi thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, combining action, suspense, and mind-bending twists.