“The Card Counter” is a gripping revenge thriller directed by Paul Schrader. The film follows an ex-military interrogator who has transformed into a skilled gambler haunted by his troubled past. With Schrader's distinctive cinematic intensity, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey of redemption.
The protagonist, played by Oscar Isaac, is on a quest for salvation as he navigates the world of professional gambling. Tormented by the ghosts of his past, he finds solace in a mentor figure portrayed by Willem Dafoe. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when he encounters a young man played by Tye Sheridan, who forces him to confront his traumatic history.
As the story unfolds, the audience becomes immersed in a high-stakes world where every move is calculated. Along with intense gambling scenes, the film delves into the psychological toll that the protagonist's past experiences have had on his present life.
“The Card Counter” showcases Schrader's mastery in storytelling, maintaining suspense and tension throughout. It explores themes of guilt, redemption, and the power of self-forgiveness. With its compelling performances and gripping plot, this revenge thriller offers a thought-provoking and thrilling experience for viewers.
Also Known As:
The Card CounterRelease Date:
10 Sep 2021Writers:
Paul SchraderAwards:
3 wins & 13 nominations