Title: The Clearing (2020)
In The Clearing, a gripping horror thriller, a determined father fights against hordes of zombies in a post-apocalyptic world to save his daughter. Amidst the chaos, this heart-pounding story unfolds, exploring the lengths a parent will go to protect their child.
Set in a desolate landscape ravaged by an unknown virus that has turned people into bloodthirsty zombies, a former soldier named Jim embarks on a perilous journey to rescue his daughter, Rachel. Alongside a resourceful stranger named Seth, Jim braves a series of treacherous obstacles fraught with suspense, danger, and gruesome encounters.
Director David Matalon skillfully blends atmospheric tension and relentless action, immersing viewers in a haunting and realistic depiction of survival in a decimated world. As Jim struggles with his internal demons and overwhelming fear, he discovers the power of love and courage as he confronts the horrifying undead.
With its intense pacing, visceral thrills, and emotionally charged performances, The Clearing is a suspenseful and heart-wrenching film that explores themes of sacrifice, resilience, and the unbreakable bond between parent and child.
Brace yourself for an adrenaline-fueled cinematic experience, as The Clearing takes you on a relentless journey through an unforgiving post-apocalyptic world where survival is the ultimate test.
Also Known As:
The ClearingRelease Date:
04 Jun 2020Writers:
David Matalon