In the action-packed film The Contractor (2007), ex-CIA Agent James Dial, portrayed by Wesley Snipes, is tasked with eliminating a dangerous terrorist named Ali Mahmud Jahar by his former employer, Jeremy Collins, played by Ralph Brown. However, Dial soon discovers that he has been lured into a treacherous trap set by Collins and realizes he must fight for his survival.
As Dial embarks on his mission, he is constantly pursued by both the authorities and the terrorists. With his expertise and resourcefulness, he must outsmart and outmaneuver his adversaries to save his own life. Along the way, he forms an unlikely alliance with a young girl named Emily, portrayed by Eliza Bennett, who becomes his unexpected companion in this high-stakes journey.
The Contractor is filled with intense action sequences, heart-pounding suspense, and unexpected plot twists that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Wesley Snipes delivers a gripping performance as the determined and skilled ex-CIA agent caught in a dangerous web of deceit.
This thrilling film explores themes of trust, loyalty, and redemption, as Dial fights not only for his own survival but also to uncover the truth behind the set-up. With its fast-paced storytelling and explosive action, The Contractor is sure to captivate audiences seeking an adrenaline-filled cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
The ContractorRelease Date:
10 Jul 2007Writers:
Robert Foster (screenplay), Joshua Michael Stern (screenplay), Robert Katz (story), André Farwagi (story)