The Day Shall Come is a gripping and satirical movie that tells the story of an impoverished preacher in the Miami projects who becomes entangled in a dangerous web of deception. The preacher, who brings hope to his community, is desperately trying to save his family from eviction. Little does he know that his savior is actually an undercover FBI agent who has ulterior motives.
The preacher's sponsor offers him a large sum of money, but there's a catch - he wants the preacher to become a criminal by indulging in his wild revolutionary aspirations. Unbeknownst to the preacher, the FBI plans to manipulate him into a criminal act and arrest him, all in the name of national security.
As the preacher's dreams of making a difference and fighting against oppression become increasingly distorted, he finds himself caught in a dangerous game where faith, corruption, and the search for identity collide. Will he succumb to the FBI's plan or find a way to navigate through the chaos?
The Day Shall Come is a thought-provoking film that explores themes of power, manipulation, and the blurred lines between good and evil. With a talented cast and a compelling storyline, this movie will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.