The Duke is a captivating drama-comedy film set in 1961 London. The story revolves around Kempton Bunton, a 60-year-old taxi driver who becomes an unlikely art thief. Frustrated by the government's decision to eliminate free TV licenses for the elderly, Kempton decides to take matters into his own hands.
One fateful day, Kempton steals the iconic portrait of the Duke of Wellington by Goya from the esteemed National Gallery. His plan is to ransom the painting and use the money to support the cause of older citizens. What follows is a thrilling cat-and-mouse game between Kempton and the authorities, led by Detective Inspector Jackamore.
As Kempton becomes entangled in a web of daring schemes and unexpected alliances, the film examines themes of social injustice and the desperation that can drive people to extreme measures. Anchored by the brilliant performances of Jim Broadbent as Kempton and Helen Mirren as his supportive wife Dorothy, The Duke is a heartwarming and thought-provoking tale about the power of the individual to challenge the status quo.
With its mix of humor, suspense, and heartfelt moments, this film offers a unique and engaging cinematic experience. The Duke invites viewers to reflect on the value of art, the importance of standing up for what is right, and the lengths one man is willing to go to make a difference.
Also Known As:
The DukeRelease Date:
25 Feb 2022Writers:
Richard Bean, Clive ColemanAwards:
4 nominations