The Fighting Temptations is an uplifting and heartwarming musical comedy directed by Jonathan Lynn. The story follows a charismatic New York advertising executive, Darrin Hill, who unexpectedly inherits a fortune but must first fulfill an unusual condition. He must form a gospel choir and guide it to triumph in order to collect his inheritance. Taking a leap of faith, he travels to a small Southern town called Montecarlo, where he encounters various challenges and unexpected relationships.
Darrin's journey is filled with entertaining auditions, catchy gospel tunes, and an array of colorful characters. Along the way, he recruits a diverse group of talented individuals, each with their own struggles and secrets. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, forging unlikely friendships and forming a strong bond as they prepare for the ultimate showdown in a national choir competition.
With the help of his newfound friends, including the talented and beautiful Lilly, Darrin learns the value of teamwork, resilience, and the transformative power of gospel music. As the choir's harmonies soar, they not only find success on stage but also find joy, redemption, and a sense of belonging within their community.
The Fighting Temptations is an uplifting and soul-stirring film that celebrates the power of music, friendship, and overcoming adversity. Packed with infectious energy, stellar performances, and toe-tapping gospel melodies, this heartwarming tale is sure to bring joy and inspiration to audiences of all ages. Get ready to be swept away by the infectious melodies and unforgettable charm of The Fighting Temptations.
Also Known As:
The Fighting TemptationsRelease Date:
19 Sep 2003Writers:
Elizabeth Hunter, Saladin K. PattersonAwards:
4 wins & 11 nominations