In The Garfield Movie (SweDub) (2024), the beloved lasagna-loving cat, Garfield, finds himself in a whirlwind adventure after reuniting with his long-lost father, Vic, a scrappy alley cat. When Garfield and his loyal dog companion, Odie, are dragged into Vic's dangerous heist, their comfortable lives are turned upside down. As they navigate the perils of the risky mission, Garfield must confront his past and forge unlikely alliances to succeed.
Filled with humor, heartwarming moments, and plenty of mischief, The Garfield Movie is a delightful family-friendly film that will charm audiences of all ages. Join Garfield, Odie, and Vic on their thrilling journey as they navigate through obstacles, learn valuable lessons, and discover the true meaning of family.
With stunning animation, memorable characters, and a captivating storyline, The Garfield Movie is a must-watch for fans of the iconic comic strip and lovable feline. Get ready for laughter, excitement, and heartwarming moments in this charming tale of friendship, adventure, and self-discovery.
Also Known As:
The Garfield MovieRelease Date:
24 May 2024Writers:
Paul A. Kaplan, Mark Torgove, David Reynolds