The Girl Who Invented Kissing is a captivating drama film that follows the life of an enigmatic young woman who arrives in a small neighborhood and finds solace in a local bar owned by two brothers. The nameless protagonist, a drifter girl struggling with her own personal demons, conceals her pain by relying on pills. Her arrival in the bar sparks a series of intriguing encounters, as she develops unique relationships with both brothers.
As the story unfolds, the film delves into the complex dynamics of family, love, and self-discovery. Through heartfelt conversations and unexpected connections, the characters are forced to confront their past traumas and find redemption.
The movie's narrative is beautifully crafted, offering viewers a realistic portrayal of the challenges faced by its characters. With a blend of mystery and romance, The Girl Who Invented Kissing keeps audiences engrossed in its storyline, eagerly anticipating the secrets that will be uncovered.
With outstanding performances from the cast, the film immerses viewers in the emotion and vulnerability of each character, leaving a lasting impact. With its atmospheric setting and poignant storytelling, The Girl Who Invented Kissing is a must-see for those seeking a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
The Girl Who Invented KissingRelease Date:
29 Apr 2017Writers:
Tom SierchioAwards:
17 wins & 11 nominations