In the movie The Great & The Small, viewers follow the story of Scott, a 26-year-old who finds himself living on the streets after getting involved in petty crimes. Now on probation, Scott is determined to turn his life around and reintegrate into society. However, he faces numerous challenges along the way.
One of Scott's struggles involves his relationship with his boss, a small-time criminal who constantly puts him in risky situations. Additionally, an enigmatic detective enters Scott's life, adding another layer of complexity to his already chaotic journey. While juggling these tense relationships, Scott also endeavors to win back the heart of his ex-girlfriend, who is a hardworking single mother.
The Great & The Small explores themes of redemption, love, and the complexities of human connections. As Scott battles against his circumstances, the movie highlights the resilience and determination required to overcome one's past and rebuild a life.
With its compelling storyline and well-developed characters, The Great & The Small takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster, capturing both the hardships and triumphs of Scott's journey towards redemption.