The Heights is a 60-episode serial drama set in the inner-city neighborhood of Arcadia Heights. The show delves into the complex relationships between the residents of the Arcadia social housing tower and the people from the rapidly gentrifying community that surrounds it. Through the lens of this diverse community, the series explores the frictions and commonalities between the upper and working classes in urban Australia.
The show introduces a variety of characters from different backgrounds, cultures, and classes residing in the tower community. It delves into their personal relationships, work lives, and the everyday challenges they face, creating an engaging and entertaining relationship drama series.
With an emphasis on diversity and inclusivity, The Heights presents a medley of characters that viewers can relate to and empathize with. The show aims to reflect the realities of multicultural Australia and highlight the strength that comes from embracing differences.
The Heights offers an exploration of urban life that goes beyond the surface and delves into the complexities of human relationships. Whether it’s love, friendship, or conflict, the series presents a captivating portrayal of the struggles and triumphs experienced by its characters in their search for happiness and fulfillment.
Also Known As:
The HeightsRelease Date:
22 Feb 2019Writers:
Warren Clarke, Que Minh LuuAwards:
1 nomination.