The Jungle Book (2016) tells the story of Mowgli, a young boy who must navigate the dangers of the jungle after being threatened by the ferocious tiger, Shere Khan. With the help of his friends, Bagheera the panther and Baloo the bear, Mowgli embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Along the way, he encounters a variety of creatures, both friend and foe, who challenge him in different ways.
Directed by Jon Favreau, this live-action adaptation of Rudyard Kipling's classic novel combines stunning visual effects with a talented cast to bring the beloved story to life. Neel Sethi portrays Mowgli, capturing the spirit and resilience of the courageous young hero.
The Jungle Book is a tale of friendship, bravery, and finding one's place in the world. As the young boy ventures deeper into the jungle, he must confront his fears and prove himself in order to survive. The film showcases the power of unity and the importance of embracing one's uniqueness.
With breathtaking landscapes and thrilling action sequences, The Jungle Book offers a visually stunning cinematic experience. Audiences of all ages will be captivated by Mowgli's journey as he learns valuable life lessons and discovers the true meaning of family and home.
Also Known As:
The Jungle BookRelease Date:
15 Apr 2016Writers:
Justin Marks (screenplay by), Rudyard Kipling (based on the books by)Awards:
Won 1 Oscar. Another 32 wins & 55 nominations.