The King tells the story of Hal, a rebellious prince who unexpectedly becomes King Henry V of England when his father passes away. As he takes on his new role, Hal must grapple with the challenges of palace politics and the burden of leading a war. Encountering betrayal and treachery from within his own inner circle, he must navigate a complex world where loyalty is scarce.
Haunted by his past life, Hal finds himself torn between his own desires and the responsibilities that come with his newfound power. As he strives to uphold his father's legacy and earn the respect of his skeptical subjects, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, learning what it truly means to be a king.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker David Michôd and featuring a talented cast including Timothée Chalamet, Robert Pattinson, and Joel Edgerton, The King offers a fresh perspective on a historical figure and a critical moment in English history. With a captivating mix of drama, action, and emotional depth, the film takes viewers on a thrilling and thought-provoking journey as it explores the challenges and sacrifices that come with leadership and power.