The Line is a compelling docuseries that explores the moral complexities and blurred lines of modern warfare. Set in 2018, the series delves into a gripping case involving the US Navy SEAL platoon and their chief, Eddie Gallagher, who was accused of committing war crimes. This thought-provoking series examines the challenging question of what is right and wrong in the context of covert military operations.
Through interviews, first-hand accounts, and extensive research, The Line presents a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a case that captured worldwide attention. Viewers will gain a unique insight into the moral dilemmas faced by soldiers in combat and the impact it has on their actions.
With a focus on moral ambiguity, The Line raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of war and the ethical implications of military operations. It challenges viewers to question their own beliefs and preconceptions about the rules of engagement and the accountability of soldiers.
This gripping docuseries is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of modern warfare and the ethical challenges faced by those on the front lines. Prepare to be captivated by the intense storytelling and gain a deeper understanding of the moral dilemmas soldiers face in the line of duty.
Also Known As:
The LineRelease Date:
19 Nov 2021