The Long Call is an enthralling and captivating detective series that follows the life of Matthew Venn, a dedicated detective who finds himself navigating a complex web of secrets and intrigue in his hometown's evangelical community. The story begins when Matthew reluctantly returns to the very community he left behind, compelled by his father's funeral.
As he attends the funeral, Matthew's past resurfaces, and he must confront his complicated history with the evangelical community and his estranged family. Amidst the mourners, he stumbles upon a mysterious murder, sending shockwaves through the community. Matthew, driven by a relentless desire for justice, finds himself at the center of the investigation.
With each step closer to unmasking the truth, Matthew uncovers shocking secrets within the community, shattering the illusions of piety and righteousness. As he digs deeper, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, each harboring their own hidden agendas and dark pasts.
The Long Call is a gripping series that explores themes of identity, family, and faith, captivating viewers with its intricate plot and compelling character development. With twists and turns at every corner, viewers will be on the edge of their seats, eagerly following Matthew's relentless pursuit of justice and truth.
Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through a tightly knit community, where nothing is as it seems, and trust is a luxury that cannot be afforded.
Also Known As:
The Long Call