The Longest Ride is a heartwarming romantic drama that tells the story of two couples whose lives become intertwined in unexpected ways. The movie follows the journey of Sophia, a college student with aspirations of becoming an art curator, and Luke, a professional bull rider determined to make a comeback in his career. While their lives seem poles apart, they are brought together when they rescue an elderly man named Ira from a car crash.
As Ira recovers in the hospital, he begins to share the story of his epic love affair with his late wife, Ruth. Through Ira's flashbacks, the audience is transported back to the 1940s, witnessing the challenges they faced as a young Jewish couple during World War II. Their enduring love and the sacrifices they made for each other serve as an inspiring example to Sophia and Luke as they navigate their own relationship.
As the young couple's connection deepens, Sophia and Luke encounter obstacles that test their commitment. Sophia's career opportunities in New York City and Luke's dangerous profession place strain on their relationship. Yet, they remain determined to overcome these challenges and find a way to be together.
The Longest Ride is a beautiful tale of love, sacrifice, and the timeless power of true romance. With breathtaking cinematography and stellar performances from the cast, this film captures the essence of Nicholas Sparks' novels, as it explores the complexities of love across different generations. Prepare to be swept away by this captivating and emotional story.
Also Known As:
The Longest RideRelease Date:
10 Apr 2015Writers:
Nicholas Sparks, Craig BolotinAwards:
1 win & 5 nominations