The Lost City of Z is a gripping true-life drama that follows the extraordinary journey of Major Percival Fawcett, a British explorer who vanished while searching for a mysterious city hidden deep within the Amazon rainforest during the 1920s. Fawcett, played by the talented Charlie Hunnam, embarks on an audacious expedition, driven by his firm belief in the existence of an ancient civilization.
As he braves treacherous terrain and hostile tribes, Fawcett's quest becomes an obsession that consumes him and strains his relationship with his devoted wife, played by Sienna Miller. Alongside him are fellow adventurers, played by Robert Pattinson and Tom Holland, who share his unwavering determination.
Captivating visuals and stunning cinematography transport viewers to the heart of the jungle, intensifying the sense of danger and wonder that Fawcett experiences in the uncharted wilderness. This epic narrative, based on David Grann's best-selling book, delves into Fawcett's unyielding pursuit of discovering something larger than himself, as he seeks to unravel the mysteries of the Amazon.
The Lost City of Z is an enthralling exploration of ambition, sacrifice, and curiosity, infused with historical accuracy and emotional depth. Director James Gray masterfully brings the story to life, weaving together a mesmerizing tale that honors Fawcett's enduring legacy and fascination with the unknown.
Also Known As:
The Lost City of ZRelease Date:
21 Apr 2017Writers:
James Gray, David GrannAwards:
6 wins & 31 nominations