In the movie The Mangler (1995), a small town is plagued by a series of mysterious deaths that are linked to a possessed laundry-folding machine. As the machine becomes increasingly malevolent, the townspeople are thrown into a terror-filled frenzy as they attempt to uncover the dark forces at play. The local authorities, led by a determined police officer, must confront the sinister presence behind the machine before more lives are lost.
Directed by horror maestro Tobe Hooper, The Mangler combines supernatural elements with gruesome horror to deliver a chilling tale of possession and murder. With a cast of talented actors including Robert Englund and Ted Levine, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the terrifying events unfold. As the body count rises, the race against time to stop the demonic entity driving the machine to commit heinous acts becomes increasingly desperate.
Featuring stunning practical effects and a haunting score, The Mangler is a nightmarish journey into the dark heart of evil that will leave audiences horrified and enthralled.
Also Known As:
The ManglerRelease Date:
03 Mar 1995Writers:
Tobe Hooper, Stephen David Brooks, Harry Alan TowersAwards:
1 win