In this heartwarming holiday film, Holly, who possesses a beautiful singing voice, is anticipating auditioning for the open position in a renowned local Christmas group that was founded by her late mother. However, much to her dismay, the spot is awarded to Marci, a close friend of the group's leader who lacks talent.
Determined to not let her dreams be crushed, Holly takes matters into her own hands and forms her own musical group, aptly named The Mistle-Tones. With Christmas Eve fast approaching, Holly challenges her former group to a sing-off in order to prove that The Mistle-Tones deserve the spotlight.
Along this spirited journey, Holly discovers the true meaning of Christmas with the help of her new friends and even finds herself falling in love. As the Mistle-Tones strive to win the competition, Holly learns valuable lessons about friendship, love, and pursuing her dreams.
With its enchanting musical numbers, heartfelt moments, and a dash of romance, The Mistle-Tones is a delightful holiday film that will surely warm your heart and leave you filled with the Christmas spirit. Join Holly and her new musical family on an unforgettable journey that celebrates the true essence of the holiday season.