The Name Engraved in Your Heart is a heartfelt and emotional Taiwanese film set in 1988, when martial law ended in Taiwan. The story revolves around two schoolboys, A-han and Birdy, who meet in a school band under the guidance of a Canadian priest named Oliver. A-han and Birdy soon develop a deep connection and embark on a secret love affair.
As their relationship blossoms, A-han and Birdy must navigate the challenges of a society that is not yet accepting of same-sex relationships. They face discrimination and prejudice from their families and society, leading them to make difficult decisions that will have a lasting impact on their lives.
This coming-of-age tale depicts the struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in a time when homosexuality was not widely accepted. The film also explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the power of love to overcome societal barriers.
The Name Engraved in Your Heart showcases the remarkable performances of the cast, including Edward Chen as A-han, Tseng Jing-hua as Birdy, and Fabio Grangeon as the priest, Oliver. The film's beautiful cinematography and poignant storytelling make it a must-watch for those seeking an emotional and thought-provoking cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Your Name Engraved HereinRelease Date:
23 Dec 2020Writers:
Yu Ning Chu (screenplay)Awards:
2 wins & 5 nominations.