In the comedy adventure film The New Adventures of Aladdin (2015), two hapless employees of a department store devise a plan to steal from their workplace after closing hours. However, their plans take an unexpected turn when a group of children arrive, asking for a story. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, the men decide to entertain the kids by telling an improvised version of the classic tale of Aladdin.
As they recount the story of Aladdin, the employees find themselves transported into the colorful and whimsical world of the Arabian Nights. They encounter familiar characters such as the Genie, Jasmine, and the villainous Jafar, as they embark on a series of comedic and thrilling adventures. Along the way, they manage to incorporate their own personal experiences and modern references into the story, making it a unique and hilarious retelling.
The New Adventures of Aladdin offers a fresh and comedic take on the beloved Aladdin story, combining elements of fantasy, adventure, and comedy. The film provides entertainment for both children and adults, with its blend of classic storytelling and modern humor. Join these bumbling employees as they navigate through the magical world of Aladdin, spreading laughter and joy along the way.
Also Known As:
The New Adventures of AladdinRelease Date:
14 Oct 2015Writers:
Daive Cohen