In The Posthuman Project (2014), Denny Burke and his friends are preparing to graduate high school after a challenging senior year. Denny has had a series of unfortunate events, including a broken leg, a broken heart, and a broken home. In an attempt to prove their readiness for adult life, Denny and his four closest friends embark on a final rock-climbing trip.
During their adventure, an unexpected event occurs. The group receives a genetic boost that grants them extraordinary powers beyond their wildest dreams. Now faced with an impossible choice, Denny must decide whether to relinquish these newfound abilities and continue living as a normal teenager or embrace these powers and transcend the limitations of the human race.
The Posthuman Project explores themes of self-discovery, identity, and the pursuit of personal growth. As Denny grapples with this life-altering decision, he is forced to confront his own fears, desires, and aspirations. The film invites viewers to ponder the complexities of navigating adolescence and the challenges of transitioning into adulthood.
With a blend of adventure, drama, and supernatural elements, The Posthuman Project offers a thought-provoking exploration of the potential of the human spirit and the power of choice. Join Denny and his friends as they navigate the exciting yet treacherous path towards self-actualization in this gripping coming-of-age tale.