The Prince of Egypt is a riveting animated film that tells the captivating story of two brothers, Moses and Ramses. Set in ancient Egypt, Moses is the brother born into royalty, while Ramses is an orphan with a mysterious past. Despite their different backgrounds, they grow up as best friends, sharing a bond filled with youthful spirit and friendly competition. However, their lives take a dramatic turn when Moses discovers a shocking secret about his true heritage.
As the brothers' paths diverge, one ascends to become the ruler of the mighty Egyptian empire, while the other is called upon to lead his own people. This inevitable clash sets the stage for a powerful final confrontation that will not only change their lives but also alter the course of history.
The Prince of Egypt is a visually stunning film that expertly weaves together elements of friendship, betrayal, and self-discovery. With breathtaking animation and a compelling storyline, the movie appeals to audiences of all ages. It is a timeless tale that explores themes of identity, courage, and the power of redemption.
Prepare to be enthralled by the epic journey of Moses and Ramses as they navigate their destinies while facing unimaginable challenges. This film is an absolute must-watch and a true gem in the world of animation.
Also Known As:
The Prince of EgyptRelease Date:
18 Dec 1998Writers:
Philip LaZebnik, Nicholas MeyerAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 12 wins & 27 nominations total