The Santa Squad (2020) is a heartwarming holiday film that follows an unemployed art teacher who joins the Santa Squad to bring joy to a wealthy widower and his two daughters. The film stars Aaron Ashmore as Gordon, the grieving widower, and the art teacher, played by Tatyana Ali, who takes on the job to uplift their spirits.
With the help of the Santa Squad, the art teacher discovers the true meaning of Christmas and the power of love and family. As she forms a bond with Gordon and his daughters, she uses her creativity and kindness to bring happiness back into their lives.
The Santa Squad's storyline is filled with magical moments, cheerful decorations, and heartfelt performances. The film explores themes of loss, healing, and finding joy in unexpected places. It delivers a positive message about the importance of spreading kindness and hope during the holiday season.
Featuring beautiful cinematography and a charming cast, The Santa Squad is a delightful film that will leave viewers feeling uplifted and filled with holiday spirit. It reminds us of the magic that Christmas can bring and the power of love to heal and bring people together.
This family-friendly movie is perfect for a cozy night in during the holiday season, providing a heartwarming and entertaining experience for all ages.
Also Known As:
Santa's SquadRelease Date:
07 Dec 2020Writers:
Mark Valenti