In The Shadow Strays (2024), viewers are introduced to Codename 13, a 17-year-old assassin who is temporarily suspended from her duties after a failed mission in Japan. Despite this setback, her focus shifts when she encounters 11-year-old Monji, a young boy who has recently lost his mother. Determined to help him in his time of need, Codename 13 embarks on a mission to rescue Monji and ensure his safety. As the two unlikely allies navigate through dangerous circumstances, they form a bond that challenges their perception of trust and loyalty.
The Shadow Strays (2024) chronicles the journey of Codename 13 and Monji as they navigate through a world filled with deception and danger. As they work together to overcome obstacles, they are forced to confront their own fears and beliefs, ultimately reshaping their perspectives on life and their roles in society. This captivating tale explores themes of redemption, friendship, and the power of human connection in the face of adversity.
Also Known As:
The Shadow StraysRelease Date:
17 Oct 2024Writers:
Timo Tjahjanto