The Wannabe (2015) is a captivating crime drama that tells the story of Thomas, a man obsessed with mob culture. Desperate to find his place in this world, he hatches a plan to fix the 1992 trial of notorious mob boss John Gotti. Thomas firmly believes that if he can execute this plan, he will finally be at the center of the mob lifestyle he idolizes.
However, his grand scheme is quickly foiled, leading to a series of events that are reminiscent of classic mob lore. The Wannabe skillfully weaves together real people, true events, and fantasy, blurring the lines between past and present.
This thought-provoking film takes viewers on a thrilling journey as Thomas's obsession with the mob world spirals out of control. With its intriguing plot and dynamic characters, The Wannabe keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover what happens next.
Perfect for fans of crime dramas and mob stories, The Wannabe offers a unique blend of fact and fiction that will leave viewers captivated and entertained. Don't miss out on this gripping tale of one man's desperate attempt to live his mob fantasies.