The White Cat (1950) is a mysterious drama set in Stockholm, Sweden. The story revolves around an amnesiac man who arrives at Stockholm's central station with no memory of his identity or past. All he has are a set of keys and a phone number. Meanwhile, the police are on the hunt for an escaped sex maniac, leading some to suspect that the amnesiac man may be the one they're looking for.
A compassionate waitress at a café takes an interest in the man and tries to help him recover his memories. As she delves deeper into his past, she starts to uncover a dark and complex web of secrets and hidden identities.
Directed by Hasse Ekman, The White Cat captivates viewers with its intriguing storyline and suspenseful atmosphere. The film expertly portrays the internal struggles of the amnesiac man as he grapples with his own sense of identity and the burden of a potential dark past. The waitress's determination to uncover the truth adds a compelling layer to the narrative, creating a thrilling and thought-provoking viewing experience.
The White Cat is a classic film that keeps audiences guessing until the very end. With its captivating performances and expertly crafted storyline, this Swedish gem is sure to captivate viewers who enjoy mystery and psychological dramas.
Also Known As:
The White CatRelease Date:
26 Dec 1950Writers:
Walter Ljungquist, Hasse Ekman