In the Danish film Til Doeden Os Skiller (2007), the story revolves around Jan, an unpopular employee working on a ferry that sails between Denmark and Sweden. Despite facing animosity from his colleagues, Jan's biggest challenge lies within his violent and antagonistic wife. Frustrated with his unstable marriage, Jan's boss sends him to group therapy in an attempt to help him find a solution.
During therapy, Jan unexpectedly forms an unlikely bond with two mechanics who are also struggling with issues of domestic violence. Seeking help from these newfound friends turns out to be a grave mistake, as Jan soon realizes they have ulterior motives.
As the story unfolds, Jan finds himself entangled in a dangerous web of deception and violence, leading to unexpected consequences. With his life spiraling out of control, Jan must navigate a treacherous path, fraught with peril and betrayal, in a desperate attempt to save himself.
Til Doeden Os Skiller is a gripping thriller that delves into the complex dynamics of domestic abuse and the dangerous consequences of seeking help from the wrong sources. Directed by Phie Ambo, this suspenseful Danish film explores themes of manipulation, vulnerability, and the lengths individuals will go to escape their own personal hell.
Also Known As:
Til døden os skillerRelease Date:
28 Sep 2007Writers:
Anders Thomas Jensen