Tom Papa: What A Day! is a hilarious and relatable comedy special that follows the life and experiences of comedian Tom Papa. In this hour-long show, Papa takes the audience on a journey through various aspects of his life, including parenting, his dependence on modern technology, the entertaining tale of rescuing his beloved pet pug, and the evolution of his marriage.
As a parent, Papa discusses the challenges and joys of raising children, offering hilarious anecdotes and insights into the world of parenthood. He also delves into the impact of technology on our everyday lives, highlighting his reliance on gadgets and social media, and the humorous situations that can arise from it.
One of the most memorable moments of the show comes when Papa recounts the rescue mission he undertook to save his pug, showcasing his devotion to his furry companion and the lengths he would go for his beloved pet.
Lastly, Papa reflects on his marriage, sharing how his relationship has evolved over time and the humorous observations he has made along the way. With his trademark wit and charm, Papa keeps the audience entertained with his candid and relatable storytelling style.
Tom Papa: What A Day! is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys comedy that hits close to home, offering a hilarious and heartwarming glimpse into Papa's everyday life and experiences.
Also Known As:
Tom Papa: What A Day!Release Date:
13 Dec 2022