Torn Hearts is a thrilling country music horror film set to captivate audiences in 2022. The story follows a talented country music duo as they embark on a dangerous journey to find the private home of their musical idol. Little do they know, this quest will lead them into a nightmarish ordeal that forces them to confront their deepest fears and reevaluate their unwavering determination to achieve their dreams.
As the duo ventures into the idol's mysterious mansion, they find themselves trapped in a twisted series of horrors they couldn't have imagined. Every step they take in this haunting house, they are confronted with unthinkable challenges that push them to their limits physically and emotionally.
The film delves into themes of obsession, sacrifice, and the price artists are willing to pay for success. Viewers will be on the edge of their seats as they witness the terror and suspense unfold, making them question the lengths they themselves would go to realize their aspirations.
Torn Hearts combines the captivating allure of country music with the chilling allure of horror, creating a unique and thrilling cinematic experience. With its talented cast, intense storyline, and captivating cinematography, this film promises to be an unforgettable journey into the darkest corners of ambition.
Also Known As:
Torn HeartsRelease Date:
20 May 2022Writers:
Rachel Koller Croft