Two Heads Creek is a thrilling and darkly comic horror film that takes audiences on a wild ride. The story follows a timid butcher named Norman and his dramatic twin sister, Annabelle, as they decide to leave post-Brexit Britain behind and embark on an adventure to Australia in search of their birth mother.
Upon arriving in a seemingly tolerant Australian town, the siblings quickly discover that the townsfolk are hiding a gruesome secret. As they delve deeper into the mystery, Norman and Annabelle find themselves caught up in a sinister plot involving human meat.
This movie combines elements of horror and comedy, creating a unique and entertaining experience for viewers. The witty dialogue and well-developed characters add depth to the story, while the suspenseful moments keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Two Heads Creek tackles themes of identity, family, and acceptance in a thought-provoking way. The film also cleverly comments on the political climate, touching on post-Brexit tensions and immigration issues.
With its blend of horror and humor, Two Heads Creek offers a fresh take on the genre. It is a must-see for fans of dark comedies and thrilling horror movies.
Also Known As:
Two Heads CreekRelease Date:
12 Oct 2019Writers:
Jordan Waller