Un sac de billes (2017) is a gripping historical drama set in occupied France during World War II. The film follows two young Jewish brothers, Maurice and Joseph, who are forced to navigate a treacherous world filled with danger and uncertainty. Left to their own devices, the boys display remarkable intelligence, bravery, and resourcefulness as they attempt to escape the clutches of the enemy invasion and reunite with their family.
The story captures the resilience and determination of the two brothers, who embark on a perilous journey across France. Along the way, they face numerous challenges, encounter unpredictable characters, and must constantly adapt to survive. Their bond as brothers becomes their greatest source of strength.
Un sac de billes offers a unique perspective on the experiences of Jewish children during the war. It showcases both the horrors and the humanity that existed during this dark period of history. The film effectively captures the oppressive atmosphere of occupied France, as well as the courage and resilience of those who resisted.
With beautiful cinematography and a stellar cast, Un sac de billes transports viewers to a time and place of immense historical significance. It is a powerful and emotionally charged film that leaves a lasting impression and serves as a poignant reminder of the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
Also Known As:
A Bag of MarblesRelease Date:
23 Mar 2018Writers:
Jonathan Allouche, Christian Duguay, Alexandra GeismarAwards:
3 wins