Under solen (1998) is a heartwarming Swedish drama that revolves around Olof, a middle-aged farmer who lives alone on his family's farm following his mother's passing. Illiterate and in need of assistance, Olof relies on his younger friend, Erik, who helps him daily. Erik, a former sailor, regales Olof with tales of his encounters with numerous women.
In a surprising turn of events, Olof decides to put an advertisement in the local newspaper seeking a young lady to be his housekeeper. This leads to the arrival of Ellen, a sophisticated woman from the city, who takes charge of Olof's household. As the summer progresses, Ellen captures not only Olof's heart but also draws the attention of Erik, sparking desires that complicate their relationships.
Under solen is a poignant exploration of love, longing, and human connection. It beautifully portrays the contrasting worlds of rural simplicity and urban sophistication. As the characters navigate their shifting emotions, they discover unexpected depths within themselves and forge bonds that challenge societal expectations.
This critically acclaimed film, directed by Colin Nutley, offers a remarkable blend of emotional depth and stunning cinematography. It delves into themes of loneliness, isolation, and the transformative power of love. Don't miss the chance to experience the captivating journey of Olof, Erik, and Ellen in Under solen.