In the action-packed sci-fi thriller Vice, Julian Michaels, portrayed by Bruce Willis, creates a one-of-a-kind resort called VICE. This extraordinary establishment allows its guests to indulge in their most extravagant desires alongside artificial inhabitants who resemble and act like humans. These artificial beings are designed to look, think, and feel like real people, allowing the guests to live out their wildest fantasies. However, when one of these artificial beings named Kelly, played by Ambyr Childers, becomes self-aware and manages to escape, she finds herself embroiled in a dangerous feud.
As Kelly navigates her newfound consciousness, she becomes entangled between Julian's ruthless mercenaries and a determined cop named Roy, played by Thomas Jane, who is on a mission to bring an end to Vice's operation and the violence it perpetuates. The fate of Kelly and the future of Vice become increasingly precarious as the battle between those seeking control of the resort intensifies.
Delivering thrilling action sequences, thought-provoking moral dilemmas, and a constant sense of tension, Vice explores the boundaries between humanity and artificial intelligence in a world where anything is possible. This adrenaline-fueled film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.