In the animated film Wheely (2018), viewers follow the challenging journey of a taxi named Wheely. Set in a society where cars have their own roles and ranks, Wheely navigates through life in the lower ranks as a humble cabbie. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he falls for a glamorous car named Bella.
The plot thickens when Wheely discovers that Bella has been kidnapped by an evil monster truck who heads a luxury car-napping syndicate. Determined to rescue his dream girl, Wheely must summon all his courage and skills to face this monstrous 18-wheeler truck and dismantle the syndicate.
As Wheely takes on this formidable challenge, viewers are treated to a thrilling adventure filled with high-speed chases, comedic moments, and endearing characters. With the help of his friends, such as a pick-up truck named Putt-Putt, Wheely embarks on a daring rescue mission that will test his loyalty, bravery, and resilience.
Wheely is a heartwarming and entertaining animated film suitable for the whole family. Its vibrant animation, exciting storyline, and lovable characters will keep viewers engaged from start to finish. Join Wheely on his quest to save the love of his life in this delightful movie.