In the classic sci-fi film When Worlds Collide (1951), Earth faces impending destruction as a new star and planet approach, threatening humanity's survival. A small group of determined individuals races against time to complete a rocket that will transport them to a potentially habitable new world. With the fate of the human race hanging in the balance, tensions rise as the group faces obstacles and challenges in their quest for survival.
As the clock ticks down, the group must confront their own fears and doubts while working together to ensure the success of their mission. As they prepare for their journey into the unknown, they must also grapple with ethical dilemmas and decisions that will ultimately determine the fate of not just themselves, but of all mankind.
When Worlds Collide is a gripping tale of hope, sacrifice, and perseverance in the face of imminent disaster. With stunning visuals and a thought-provoking storyline, this classic film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the final, dramatic conclusion.
Also Known As:
When Worlds CollideRelease Date:
15 Nov 1951Writers:
Sydney Boehm, Edwin Balmer, Philip WylieAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 1 win & 1 nomination total