When You Finish Saving the World is a captivating and heartwarming movie that revolves around the lives of Evelyn and her son Ziggy. Evelyn, a shelter owner, finds herself in a challenging position as she attempts to be a parent to Ziggy, who is completely oblivious to her efforts. Meanwhile, Ziggy, a teenager, is on a journey of his own as he navigates his pursuit of a brilliant young woman at school.
The film delves into the complexities of their relationship and the lengths they go to find replacements for each other. Evelyn's struggle to connect with Ziggy, despite her best intentions, showcases the difficulties of parenting an unassuming teenager. Ziggy, on the other hand, fumbles through his own experiences, as he is focused on wooing the woman of his dreams.
Through a series of heartwarming and often humorous moments, When You Finish Saving the World explores the themes of family, connection, and the challenges of growing up. The film beautifully captures the intricacies of relationships and the universal desire for understanding and love.
Featuring a talented cast and captivating storytelling, this movie offers a delightful and thought-provoking viewing experience. With its relatable characters and poignant themes, When You Finish Saving the World is a must-watch for anyone seeking a touching and entertaining cinematic journey.
Also Known As:
When You Finish Saving the WorldRelease Date:
20 Jan 2022Writers:
Jesse EisenbergAwards:
1 nomination