Whole Lotta Sole (2011) is a gripping crime comedy set in a small coastal town in Northern Ireland. The movie revolves around a bungled robbery at a local fish market and its ensuing chaos. When a desperate man named Jimbo accidentally steals a valuable fish from the market, he inadvertently becomes entangled in a dangerous web of crime and conflict.
As word spreads about the stolen fish, the situation catches the attention of both the local police force and a notorious gangster seeking revenge. Jimbo finds himself trapped in a hostage situation inside a nearby barber shop, with a motley crew of hostages including an eccentric barber, a pregnant woman, and an American tourist.
Directed by Terry George, the film expertly weaves together hilarious moments of comedy with high-stakes action. With witty dialogue and unexpected twists, Whole Lotta Sole keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout.
This crime caper provides a fresh take on the genre, offering a unique blend of suspense, comedy, and heartwarming moments. Full of memorable characters and surprising plot developments, Whole Lotta Sole is an entertaining and must-watch movie for fans of crime comedies.
Also Known As:
Stand OffRelease Date:
17 Jan 2013Writers:
Thomas Gallagher, Terry George