With Intent is a gripping suspenseful series that follows a British couple, Sarah and Mark, as they relocate to Australia in hopes of rebuilding their marriage after a devastating infidelity. In their quest for a fresh start, they hire a young local nanny, Lucy, to care for their children and help them settle into their new life. However, what initially seems like a perfect solution quickly takes a sinister turn.
Lucy, the seemingly innocent nanny, harbors dark secrets and hidden intentions. As the series unfolds, viewers are drawn deeper into a web of deception, manipulation, and betrayal. The consequences of Lucy's actions become increasingly deadly, threatening not only Sarah and Mark's marriage but also their lives.
With a gripping narrative and intense performances, With Intent keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each twist and turn. The series offers a fresh take on the psychological thriller genre, exploring themes of trust, obsession, and the fragility of relationships. As the tension mounts, viewers are left wondering who they can truly trust in this gripping tale of love and deceit.
Experience the thrill and suspense of With Intent, a series that will leave you breathless and questioning the true intentions of those around you.
Lucy, the seemingly innocent nanny, harbors dark secrets and hidden intentions. As the series unfolds, viewers are drawn deeper into a web of deception, manipulation, and betrayal. The consequences of Lucy's actions become increasingly deadly, threatening not only Sarah and Mark's marriage but also their lives.
With a gripping narrative and intense performances, With Intent keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each twist and turn. The series offers a fresh take on the psychological thriller genre, exploring themes of trust, obsession, and the fragility of relationships. As the tension mounts, viewers are left wondering who they can truly trust in this gripping tale of love and deceit.
Experience the thrill and suspense of With Intent, a series that will leave you breathless and questioning the true intentions of those around you.